History Major
The major consists of ten or more history courses. At least seven of these courses must be above the introductory level, including a minimum of two 400-level courses and a minimum of one additional upper-level course.
To acquire regional breadth, students take a course each in four of the six regional areas of United States, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, Middle East, Africa, Asia (East Asia and South Asia).
All History majors are required to complete HIS 241.
Interdisciplinary work and languages: The History Department encourages foreign language competency and interdisciplinary work. Students may count one upper-level language course, chosen in consultation with their adviser, among the three required 300- and 400-level courses in the History major (although a language course may not substitute for the one required 400-level course). Students may also include one additional course in another discipline, chosen in consultation with their adviser, which enhances their focus in History.
Study Away Courses: Majors are allowed to count two history courses taken during study away towards the major if approved by the major adviser.
Honors and Individual Study: Majors are strongly encouraged to undertake independent work in Individual Study courses and especially Honors Study. No student may receive credit for more than sixteen history courses.
All History majors are required to complete HIS 241.
Regional history courses - Africa
Regional history courses - Asia
Regional history courses - Europe
Regional history courses - Middle East
Regional history courses - Latin America & Caribbean
Regional history courses - United States
Global history courses
Advisers: D. Accardi, S. Chhabria, M. Forster, L. Garofalo, K.K. Hernandez, E. Kane, S. Queen, C. Stock, M. Swagler