Learning Goals in the Department of Physics, Astronomy and Geophysics

The Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geophysics offers you an excellent education in studying physics, astronomy or geophysics at the undergraduate level. The physics major is designed to provide flexibility so that students can tailor a program of study to their own interests. Classes and labs are taught in a contemporary facility well equipped with impressive technologies. You are encouraged to get involved in research work and independent study projects with faculty members at any time during your four years at Connecticut College. The department recognizes that the successful demonstration of the learning outcomes for the major depends both on the instruction within the department and student engagement aimed at developing the following skills:

  • Display an understanding and application of the scientific method to develop and test new models that describe the physical world.
  • Exhibit a proficiency in the methods of scientific inquiry in laboratory and/or research projects. Demonstrate basic experimental skills by the practice of setting up and conducting an experiment with due regards to minimizing measurement error and by the thoughtful discussion and interpretation of data.
  • Develop ability to convey physical concepts with mathematical expressions, and effectively derive quantitative predictions from a model through mathematical analysis.
  • Present well-organized, logical and scientifically sound oral and written scientific reports.
  • Identify the consequences of accepting a new interpretation.