Religious and Spiritual Programs

Connecticut College has a long and distinguished tradition of honoring the human spirit and nurturing its development. Benjamin Marshall, the College's second president, believed the goal of a Connecticut College education was to meld "knowledge gained from different fields of study with the practical and spiritual life of the individual."

The Office of Religious and Spiritual Programs gives this tradition a formal "home" in the life of the College. Students are encouraged to consider larger questions about their purpose and role in this world. As they examine their values and beliefs, they gain a greater appreciation for beliefs different than their own and respect for those who hold those beliefs. Our goal is to provide students with a foundation that will help them integrate personal beliefs with professional demands and prepare them to lead lives of integrity, civility and compassion.

The Office of Religious and Spiritual Programs includes a chaplaincy with several college chaplains: a Roman Catholic priest, a rabbi, an Imam/Imama, and a minister from the Protestant tradition. The chaplains minister to their own constituents and take responsibility for the care and concern of the College community. The ministry also has active student groups and fellowships.

The Zachs Hillel House at Connecticut College serves as an educational, cultural and religious facility for the Jewish community on campus. It is a space for gatherings and recreation open to the entire community. The program director of the Zachs Hillel House is a member of the staff of the Office of Religious and Spiritual Programs. The Hillel director collaborates with students, faculty and staff to bring innovative events and programs that support Jewish Life and education, as well as programs that support student life at the college and in the greater Jewish community. Programs and events at Zachs Hillel House include, seminars and small classes, Torah Study, regular Shabbat Dinners, and services for the High Holy Days.

Harkness Chapel is at the heart of religious and spiritual activities on campus, hosting religious services and events as well as supporting a variety of organizational meetings and many hours of quiet study in the chapel library. The chapel is host to a variety of musical events, concerts and programs sponsored by the music department, the College singing groups and community organizations. Weekly activities of the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life include, Roman Catholic Sunday mass celebrations, ecumenical Protestant services, and a weekly Christian meditation. On occasion services are offered by other religious traditions either in the chapel or in space appropriate places on campus. The Harkness Chapel is home to the Inter­national Student Center for the College.


Connecticut College respects the right of all members of the community to observe religious days of obligation and/or holidays. It is expected that everyone will cooperate in respecting this right. Students and faculty, in particular, should seek ways of achieving this goal, while at the same time minimizing interruption of the academic and business work of the College. Students who are absent from class for reasons of religious observance will not be penalized. Faculty are urged not to schedule examinations or major assignments on significant religious holy days and must provide reasonable opportunities for students to make up missed work and examinations. Faculty who elect not to teach on any holy day are free to plan their assignments and make-up meetings with their classes as they wish, but they should notify their students of their plans at the beginning of the term. (This policy is per the Connecticut College Student Handbook.)

 For more information please visit the website.