Learning Goals in the Neuroscience Major

Behavioral neuroscience is focused on the relationship between brain function and behavior. In order to understand this relationship, students begin the major by taking introductory courses in biology, psychology, and chemistry. These foundations allow a student to then understand how the brain and behavior is related and provide basis for delving into topics of specific interest.


The major includes introductory courses in biology (BIO 120 Introduction to Biological Inquiry), psychology (PSY 100, Introduction to Psychology), and chemistry (CHM 103, CHM 104, General Chemistry). Each of these courses includes a lab to demonstrate the basic techniques used in each discipline. In addition to teaching foundational concepts these courses also focus on necessary skills that include general research methods, critical thinking, ethics and scientific writing.


An emphasis is placed on practical application of the empirical process in courses such as Behavioral Neuroscience (PSY/BIO/NEU 314), Neurophysiology (BIO/NEU 316), Cognitive Neuroscience (PSY/NEU 312) and Psychopharmacology (PSY/BIO/NEU 322), where students learn the same histological, pharmacological and animal and human behavior methods used in many neuroscience research labs. In addition, students learn to use databases of published literature to search for and critically evaluate relevant studies specific to topics covered in each course. The major also includes a requirement for either an advanced biochemistry or molecular biology course with a lab, providing students with exposure to techniques in these related fields.

Topics of Interest

Every student has the option to explore specific topics in course projects. For example, one assignment in Psychopharmacology is to compare the effectiveness of a conventional and an alternative treatment for a mental illness. A student who has an interest in understanding schizophrenia might complete the assignment by comparing the use of omega 3 fatty acids to the conventional treatment of antipsychotic medications. Specific interests are further explored in specialized courses such as Behavioral Endocrinology (PSY/BIO 409), Cognitive Brain Imaging (PSY 343) and Neurobiology of Disease (PSY/BIO 336) or through individual study and honors thesis projects that focus on a specific area of interest to the student and her mentor.

Relationship to Other Disciplines

Owing to the multidisciplinary nature of the field of neuroscience, students may choose to take elective courses from a variety of fields such as philosophy, computer science, linguistics, human development, anthropology, and dance.
Advanced Study

The opportunity to practice techniques, including the use of animal, models of behavior, immunohistochemistry and electroencephalography in laboratory courses provides every neuroscience major with some basis for further work in the field. The numerous opportunities to build on those research experiences in the form of summer internships, individual study or honors study is especially important for students who are interested in pursuing graduate study. Students are also strongly encouraged to learn how to communicate the findings of their research by presenting at conferences on campus or elsewhere. Neuroscience majors present their work each year at the North East Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience semi-annual meetings and at the Society for Neuroscience annual meetings.