The Quantitative Economics and Econometrics major provides a quantitative treatment of Economics. Students will be required to take, among their electives, one course each that applies the two branches of quantitative learning: calculus and econometrics (or a single course that applies both). This major will broaden students’ possibilities by giving them a firm foundation in quantitative economics, an important field within the discipline of economics.
The major consists of at least ten courses in economics, including five core courses: ECO 111, ECO 112, ECO 205, ECO 206, and ECO 230.
Additional Requirements: Two electives at the 200 level or higher, two electives at the 300 level or higher, and one elective at the 400 level. These electives must include at least one course each from Group A and Group B, or one course that appears in both Group A and Group B. Courses in Group A have a prerequisite of MAT 112 or a more advanced calculus course. Courses in Group B have a prerequisite of ECO 230. At least one course from Group A or Group B must be taken to be at the 300 level or higher.
Core Courses
Group A
Group B