Personal Leave


Students who are in good standing may be approved by the Committee on Academic Standing to take a personal leave for purposes of work, travel or other nonacademic experience. Work activities may be explored through the Hale Center for Career Development.

In all cases, students planning to take a personal leave should consult with their academic dean and the appropriately executed leave form should be filed with the Office of the Dean of the College. Petitions for personal leave should be submitted prior to the start of classes during the semester the leave is to be taken, and will not be considered if submitted after that semester's Add/Delete Period has ended. Thereafter, all departures from the College will be considered voluntary withdrawals. Students intending to take courses during a personal leave must include that request with their initial petition.

It is the student’s responsibility, whether on approved leave or voluntary withdrawal, to ensure that completed re-entry materials are submitted by the stated deadlines.

Students who plan to return from personal leave must formally notify the Office of the Dean of the College no later than April 1 for re-entry in the fall semester or Nov. 1 for re-entry in the spring semester. Notification by these deadlines is necessary to help the College project enrollment and space needs to guarantee access to pre-registration and housing. The burden is on the student to make the notification, to make appropriate financial arrangements with the accounting office, and to forward housing requests (residential hall or off-campus) to the director of Residential Education and Living.